We landed in Lima with less than 24 hours before our flight to Cusco. We arrived again with a little more than that before moving on to Beunos Aires. As far as I can tell, Lima is in many ways what I’ve found a typical large South American city to be. Dotted with beautiful old neighborhoods sandwiched between half finished and ugly newer neighborhoods all of which are covered in a thick layer of dirt presumably settled from the polluted air. The population of Lima is huge and the traffic is a reflection. It’s a little hard to breathe in some areas. Like the coast of Ecuador, the coast of Peru is perpetually cloudy in the “Fall, Winter and Spring” months and it tends to be rainy year round. But, unlike Quito, I did like Lima. It felt like I imagine Seattle to be. Some cities wear gloom well. And the beautiful neighborhoods and wide boulevards were grey and reflective. It didn’t hurt that we splurged on one of our best meals to date at “Astrid y Gaston,” the pride of modern Peruvian cuisine. Food memories always color a place for me and the sauces in Peru are rich and delicious. Paired with my new heartthrob, Pisco Sour, I can’t help but smile when I think of our short time in the capital city.
K. . . . .
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